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← Making EC2 architectures resilient

Why be resilient?

That’s quite the loaded question. Resiliency is often associated with higher cost and higher complexity. That’s not untrue, in order to architect for high-availability (HA) you often have to run redundant resources and load balancers. We’ll explore a bit later about how to balance these, but for now let’s talk about being resilient.

A good place to start is with the AWS Well-Architected Framework. When it comes to architecting systems on AWS, this is always a great set of guidelines to benchmark yourself against. The framework is made up of 6 pillars, one of which is ‘Reliability’. This is going to be the most relevant one for us today, but it’s worth reviewing the others!

A sweeping statement made within the Reliability pillar is: “Design your workload to withstand component failures.”

This statement groups up 7 distinct recommendations for how to adhere to best practice. Those that we’re going to focus on within this series of articles are:

It’s all well and good understanding that this is best practice, but “it’s best practice” isn’t quite enough of a reason. To me, there’s a few key reasons as to why architecting for HA and making your application resilient is essential.

Let’s move on to talking about about how resiliency should be balanced with other factors when architecting a solution.

Balancing resiliency

Resiliency is a spectrum. Workloads can be considered anywhere from not resilient at all, to the best of the best where components automatically heal and fail over to healthy resources.

As with anything, there’s a balancing act to all of these. As you might expect, the most resilient solutions come with the highest cost and greatest complexity. Let’s explore this a bit further.


It’s important to consider the overall picture when looking at the cost of resilience. It has to be expected that if the desire is to run at high levels of resilience, then cost will increase. For example, for automatic failover to happen quickly and seamlessly, multiple instances of an application need to be in operation. When looking at this cost and determining if it’s worth it, keep in mind the cost of not being resilient.

For example, let’s take an online shop as an example. On average, this online shop processes £60 in transactions each minute. An instance takes 10 minutes from starting to being ready to serve traffic.

In both scenarios the instances are part of an auto-scaling group behind a load balancer that spans subnets in all 3 AZs. Let’s consider that the eu-west-2a availability zone experiences network outages.

In scenario 1, the single instance fails the load balancer health check and spins up a new instance in a healthy AZ. It is at least 10 minutes until this new instance is ready to serve traffic and the cost in revenue of this outage is >= £600.

In scenario 2, the instance in eu-west-2a would be removed from service, traffic automatically redirected to the healthy instance in eu-west-2b (this is known as failover) and a new instance started in eu-west-2c. The cost in revenue of this event is limited to the amount of time it takes for the health check to begin failing - typically a very short time.

By quantifying the financial impact of an outage, it helps to evaluate whether the additional cost of extra resilience is worth it.


Running applications with highly available and resilient architectures can be complex, however it’s an awful lot easier than it used to be. Admittedly, utilising a load balancer and auto scaling group is more complex than a single instance. As we work through these articles, I hope you’ll discover that when done properly it can add significant peace of mind and actually remove some of the maintenance overhead, even if it does make the overall solution slightly more complex.


In this first article, we’ve talked a little bit about the theory behind resiliency and why it’s important. We’ve looked at the need to balance resilency with other factors and how that can be done.

In the next article in this series, we’ll move onto creating some not very resilient infrastructure and exploring some tools to help verify this. In the final article we’ll discover how to make the infrastructure more resilient and run the same tests to prove that our work has been fruitful.

Until next time!